Hip Hinge
Extend the thoracic spine, knees slightly flexed but fixed, brace the torso, tilt at the hips whilst maintaining the knee flexes within the same position, lengthen the hamstrings eccentrically, squeeze the glutes, drive through the heels back to the same start position.
Single-Leg Hip Hinge
Stand on one leg, knees slightly flexed as described above, hands on the hips, brace the torso, extend the thoracic spine, tilt at the hips whilst maintaining the knee flexes within the same position, lengthen the hamstrings eccentrically, squeeze the glutes, drive through the heels back to the same start position.
Backwards Running
Backwards running prepares the hamstrings for the biomechanical demands of braking within sport and is therefore an effective warm up drill. Run backwards with a cyclic running action, keeping the torso tall, using correct running arm mechanics.