
Maximal aerobic speed (MAS) training allows intervals to be predetermined to an athletes VO2max, or more preciously, the  lowest running velocity at which an athletes maximal oxygen uptake occurred (vVO2max).  Once an athletes MAS has been established (e.g. 4.2 m/s), intervals can be programmed based on a percentage of an athletes MAS, including sub-maximal (e.g. 80% MAS) maximal (e.g. 100% MAS) and supra-maximal (e.g. 120% MAS). Such training has previously demonstrated to significantly improve an athletes aerobic capacity, a vital a training quality both with endurance-based sport and intermittent based sport. For further detail on maximal aerobic speed testing and training read the following article post Increasing Aerobic-Performance Part II : Maximal Aerobic Speed Training.


Before programming MAS intervals, an athletes MAS score must firstly be established. This can be done in several ways (e.g. shuttle testing vs continuous running) however a continuous running method has been shown to be a valid method within literature (see Increasing Aerobic-Performance Part II : Maximal Aerobic Speed training for further detail). Have the athlete complete a 1000m, 1200m, or 1400m as fast as possible and record the time in seconds. Enter the distance and time taken within the appropriate fields, and select the desired %MAS and interval time by moving the % MAS effort and interval time cursor. The required distance for each interval when instantly be calculated based the athletes MAS score, desired % MAS effort and interval time entered.             

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