Snatch Push Press
Establish a snatch grip on the bar, notice as to where the hands are in relation the rings on the bar. Place the bar on the back, dip by breaking at the knees, keep the torso vertical, brace at the torso, drive through the heels, aggressively press the bar in the air, receiving the bar over the head, elbows locked, return the bar back the start position and re-bend the knees on impact.
Overhead Squat
Establish a snatch grip on the bar, notice as to where the hands are in relation the rings on the bar. Snatch push press the bar in the air, establish an overhead squat stance, brace at the torso, lower into a deep squat, drive the knees out, stabilise in the bottom position, drive through the mid-foot back to the start position.
Pressing Snatch Balance
Snatch push press the bar in the air, establish an overhead squat stance, dip at the knees with a quick reflex, brace at the torso, drive into a deep overhead squat, whilst simultaneously pressing the bar in the air, locking at the elbows, aiming to keep the height of the bar the same without pressing the bar any further upwards, drive through the mid-foot back to the start position.
Snatch Balance
Place the bar on the back, establish a hip to shoulder width grip (same stance as the 1st pull position) dip at the knees with a quick reflex, brace at the torso, drive into a deep overhead squat, whilst simultaneously pressing the bar in the air, locking at the elbows, aiming to keep the height of the bar the same without pressing the bar any further upwards, drive through the mid-foot back to the start position.
Snatch Pull
Align the bar just above the knee, with the bar placed close to the legs, shoulders orientated over the bar, back held in extension and torso braced, weight through the heels, drive through the floor, keeping the bar close the legs, finish with the bar at the hip crease, with the shoulders still orientated above the bar, with the bar increasing in speed throughout, as the bar comes into the hip crease, drive through the feet explosively, coming up onto the toes whilst explosively shrugging, keeping the arms relaxed.
High Hang Pull
This component is an extension of the 2nd pull exercise. Perform a 2nd pull as detailed above, however this time let the bar rise up keeping close to the body and the elbows orientated vertically above the bar, whilst continuing to shrug upwards, letting the momentum of the bar flex the elbows (rather than actively pulling with the arms). This is performed with a hook grip.