Pogo Jumps
Hands on the hips, push through the balls of the feet, jump into the air maintaining dorsi flexed ankles, knees slightly flexed but maintained in that position, actively contact the floor, maintain vertical torso. Ensure that the legs dont drift forward and that the torso doesn’t incline forward between foot contacts.
Maintaining ankle stiffness as when performing pogo jumps, alternate foot contacts one foot at a time, not letting the legs swing forward or backwards, torso facing forward not letting the torso rotate, use correct arm mechanics, arms flexed at the elbow, moving from the shoulder to the hip
A-Skip (Single Drill)
Perform the same ankling drill as before, but occasionally drive one knee forward by flexing at the hip using a quick hip drive action, attempting to drag the heelbone under the hips whilst maintaining a dorsi flexed foot, using a quick simultaneous arm action for the one quick A-skip step, the more frequent this is performed, the harder the level of difficulty of the set of A-skips. This can be done on the dominant leg for a set distance, or the alternative non-dominant leg.
A-Skips (Double Drill)
The A-skip double drill is a progression of the previous drill and requires the athlete to perform a double repeat hip drive action, and therefore a double repeat arm action, challenging the athlete’s coordination further.
A-Skip (Alternating Drill)
The A-skip alternating drill is a progression of the previous drills and requires the athlete to perform alternating A-skips for a set distance. This can be performed with alternating single or double A-skip contacts, or for repeat A-skips on one-side for a set distance before changing to the alternative leg.