Racking the Bar

The clean grip is a lot narrower when compared to a snatch grip, with the arms orientated at the side of the legs rather than wider than shoulder width, with the bar gripped with a hook grip. A clean is performed by racking the bar across the shoulders, with the chest lifted, elbows orientated forward, with the upper arms held parallel to the floor, back held in extension, with the torso braced.   

2nd Pull to Racking the Bar

Align the bar just above the knee, with the bar placed close to the legs, shoulders orientated over the bar, back held in extension and torso braced, weight through the heels, drive through the floor, keeping the bar close the legs, finish with the bar between the mid and upper third of the quadriceps , with the shoulders still orientated above the bar, with the bar increasing in speed throughout, as the bar comes into the quadriceps contact point, drive through the feet explosive, coming up onto the toes, whilst explosively shrugging, but keeping the arms relaxed. At this point the bar is racked in the front rack position as detailed above.  

Hang Power Clean

To complete the hang power clean, perform the previous exercise as detailed above, however rather than racking the bar in a tall position, the athlete aggressively drives back under the bar, racking the bar at a partial squat position, that being 90 degrees knee flexion or above. The load is secured in a rack position at the point the feet recontact with the floor when transitioning from the pull to receiving stance. This is performed with a hook grip.    

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