Strict Press

Start with the bar held in the front rack position, brace at the torso, maintain thoracic extension, drive through the heels, pushing the bar in front of the face, driving the bar overhead, whilst shifting the head forward through the gap between the arms, with the bar held with the elbows locked, in line with the back of the head. This finish position will be the coached finish position for all jerk variations.  

Push Press

Start with the bar held in the front rack position, brace at the torso, maintain thoracic extension, break at the knees and hips simultaneously, maintaining a vertical orientated torso, drive the heels, explode the bar upwards, and finish in the same secure locked overhead position as described above.

Power Jerk

Start with the bar held in the front rack position, brace at the torso, maintain thoracic extension, break at the knees and hips simultaneously, maintaining a vertical orientated torso, drive the heels, explode the bar upwards, receive the bar in a flexed knee position, at 90 degrees knee flexion or above (power stance) and finish in the same secure locked overhead position as described above.

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