Straight Leg Running
The straight leg running drill reinforces the correct pawing foot action during maximal sprint mechanics, utilising the hamstrings correctly during both the B and C parts of the sprint running cycle. The athlete performs a running action whilst maintaining a straight running leg, pawing the floor with each foot contact, whilst maintaining a vertical torso and correct arm mechanics.
B-Skip (Single Drill)
The B-skip sprint drill is an extension of the previously learnt A-skip drill, where the athlete performs a A-skip action, before extending the leg (but not to the point of full knee extension) and cycles the leg back so that the foot ‘paws’ the floor in line with the other placed foot. The leg is then cycled back through by flexing at the hip, before repeating the same action.
B-Skip (Double Drill)
The B-skip double drill is a progression of the previous drill and requires the athlete to perform a double repeat hip drive and pawing action, and therefore a double repeat arm action, challenging the athlete’s coordination further.