Counter Movement Jumps
Initiate the movement by swinging the arms downwards in a forceful action but keeping the arms relaxed, bracing at the torso, keeping spinal integrity, hip external rotators engaged, avoiding knee valgus, flexing at the hips and knees, before driving through feet, triple extending at the ankle, knee and hip ensuring full extension, driving upwards. Upon landing, stabilise the hips at the point of stabilisation, driving back downwards towards the body. Reset, before repeating the same jump action in the same action.
Repeat Counter Movement Jumps
Perform the same CMJ action as described before, at the point of landing perform a rapid arm action by driving the arms back and then forward ready to propel the body into the next jump. These can be performed with a focus on tendon compliance where the hips and knees are allowed to flex and store the kinetic energy or by reducing the amount of knee and hip flexion and aim to reduce the contact time as much as possible, therefore training for tendon stiffness.
Tuck Jumps
Perform the same CMJ action described as above, whilst bringing the knees into the chest by flexing at the hips whilst in the air, again stabilising as described as above when landing. Again, these can be performed for single effort jumps or repeat jumps and can also be performed concentrating on tendon compliance or tendon stiffness, depending on the desired training effect.