Increasing Power Performance in Athletes

Increasing Power Performance in Athletes

Power is a defined as the ‘total amount of work completed per unit of time’ and has previously been identified as a key performance indicator within sprint acceleration performance (Sleivert and Taingahue, 2004), vertical jump performance (Aragón-Vargas and Gross, 2019), cricket fast ball performance (Johnstone and Ford, 2010) and punching performance within elite amateur boxers (Loturco et al, 2016). Likewise, power production has previously been shown to be a key performance determent within sprint and mid-distance swimmers, with power production being of great importance when performing an explosive start and during each tumble turn within events lasting longer in duration (Hawley et al, 1992). 

Power output is also of great importance within endurance-based sports, as an optimal power output will result in greater cycling and running economy and greater cadence/stride performance (Coyle et al, 1991; Paavolainen et al, 1999). It is evident that the ability to produce high amounts of muscular power is vital across a large range of competitive sports, and should therefore be a key focus within athletic preparation. 

Strength and conditioning coaches have multiple training forms at their disposal when aiming to improve power performance in athletes, with each of these training types being classified as ‘speed strength’ training. Speed-strength represents the slope of the force-time curve and involves both high levels of force and high levels of velocity. Hence, the speed-strength area of the force-time curve involves high power outputs in conjunction with: P=Fv , where P is the power output, F is force generated by the concentric muscular contraction and v is the muscle shortening velocity.

Olympic weightlifting methods require the ability to produce high power and rate of force development outputs, as heavy external loads are required to be lifted in an explosive manner. Stone (1993) and Garhammer (1993) previously reported that the magnitude of power production was nearly three times as high when performing the snatch and clean vs the back squat and deadlift exercises. A further study by Baker and Nance (1999) demonstrated a positive correlation between Olympic weightlifting performance and 10m and 40m sprint performance in athlete populations. It is therefore evident that the power demands associated with Olympic weightlifting training methods are beneficial within athletic preparation. 

Loaded hexagonal bar jumps is another form of speed strength training that has recently been shown to be of great effect within sports performance. A recent study by Oranchuk et al (2019) demonstrated equal improvements in vertical jump, RFD and isometric force performance, after the completion of an Olympic weightlifting vs hexagonal bar jump training intervention. Likewise, plyometric training interventions have been shown to significantly improve vertical jump performance (Markovic, 2007), swim start and tumble turn performance (Potdevin et al, 2011), sprint performance (Rimmer et al, 2000) and upper body power performance in cricket players (Vishen and Sen, 2015). These findings demonstrate the versatility of plyometric training and its applicability to power improvement in athletes across a range of sports. 

However, all of the above highlighted training methods have pre-requisites and considerations that the strength and conditioning coach must consider before implementing such training forms. For example, the execution of the Olympic lifts (snatch, clean, jerk) and their derivatives (power versions, hang versions, pulls, lifting from blocks, etc.) require a significant level of skill and practice before such movements can be performed efficiently, and therefore reap the ‘increase in power and RFD’ rewards. An athlete must be able to demonstrate correct landing mechanics and have sufficient strength levels before embarking on a high dose plyometric training intervention. The mastery of both plyometric and Olympic weightlifting movements requires a commitment to practice on behalf of the athlete and the coach, and an in-depth level of knowledge of how to correctly coach these advanced training methods in the first place.
It is evident that the ability to produce explosive power is vital across multiple sports, and should therefore be a key focus within strength and conditioning practice. It is also evident that practitioners have multiple ways at their disposal in which to improve power performance in athletes. However, the implementation of such training requires a sufficient level of knowledge on behalf of the coach, and time commitment and skill on behalf of the athlete, and should therefore be progressed accordingly.


Aragón-Vargas LF, Gross MM (2019) Kinesiological Factors in Vertical Jump Performance: Differences among Individuals, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 13(1): 24-44.

Baker D and Nance S (1999) The relation between strength and power in professional rugby league players, Journal of strength and conditioning research, 13(3), pp: 224-229.

Coyle EF , Feltner ME , Kautz SA , Hamilton MT , Montain SJ , Baylor AM , Abraham LD , Petrek GW (1991) Physiological and biomechanical factors associated with elite endurance cycling performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 23(1): 93-107.   

Garhammer J (1993) A review of power output studies of Olympic and Powerlifting: Methodology, Performance prediction and evaluation tests, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 7(2): 76-89.

Hawley JA, Williams MM, Vickovic, MM, Handcock PJ (1992) Muscle power predicts freestyle swimming performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 26(3): 151-155.

Johnstone J, A. Ford, P, A. (2010). Physiologic Profile of Professional Cricketers, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 24(11): 2900-2907.

Loturco I, Nakamura F, Artioli G, Kobal R, Kitamura K, Cal Abad C, Cruz I, Romano F, Pereira L, Franchini E (2016) strength and power qualities are highly associated with punching impact in elite amateur boxers. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 30(1): 109–116.

Markovic, G. (2007). Does plyometric training improve vertical jump height? A meta-analytical review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 41, pp. 349–355. 

Oranchuk DJ, Robinson T, Switaj Z, Drinkwater E, (2019) Comparison of the Hang High Pull and Loaded Jump Squat for the Development of Vertical Jump and Isometric Force-Time Characteristics, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 33(1), pp: 17–24.

Paavolainen LM , Nummela AT , Rusko HK (1999) Neuromuscular characteristics and muscle power as determinants of 5-km running performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31(1): 124-130.

Potdevin, F, J. Alberty, M, E. Chevutschi, A. Pelayo, P. Sidney, M, C. (2011) Effects of a 6-Week Plyometric Training Program on Performances in Pubescent Swimmers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25(1), pp: 80-86.

Rimmer, E. Sleivert, G. (2000). Effects of a plyometrics intervention program on sprint performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 14(3), pp. 295–301.

Sleivert G, Taingahue M (2004) The relationship between maximal jump-squat power and sprint acceleration in athletes, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 91(1): 46–52.

Stone MH (1993) Literature review: Explosive exercise and training, NSCA Journal, 15(3): 7-15.

Vishen, P, K, S. Sen, S. (2015). Comparison of dynamic push- up training and plyometric push-up training on upper body performance test in cricket Player. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health. 2(1), pp. 199-203.